Residential Sales Current Year

Residential Sales by Neighborhood 

Sales from 2022 are analyzed to set the assessment value as of 1/1/2023 for taxes payable in 2024.​

7100521-2022.pdf7100521-20227100521West Bremerton Salt WF2022
7100522-2022.pdf7100522-20227100522East Bremerton WF2022
7100531-2022.pdf7100531-20227100531West Brem Kitsap Lake WF2022
7100541-2022.pdf7100541-20227100541West Bremerton Uplands City2022
7100542-2022.pdf7100542-20227100542East Bremerton Uplands City2022
7100543-2022.pdf7100543-20227100543Manette Uplands2022
7100544-2022.pdf7100544-20227100544East Park2022
7100580-2022.pdf7100580-20227100580Bremerton Condos2022
7100591-2022.pdf7100591-20227100591West Bremerton Unincorporated2022
7100592-2022.pdf7100592-20227100592East Bremerton UGA2022
7303602-2022.pdf7303602-20227303602Rolling Bay2022
7303605-2022.pdf7303605-20227303605North Bainbridge2022
7303606-2022.pdf7303606-20227303606Central Bainbridge2022
7303607-2022.pdf7303607-20227303607South Bainbridge2022
7303608-2022.pdf7303608-20227303608Fletcher Bay2022
7303609-2022.pdf7303609-20227303609Wing Point Golf Course2022
7303610-2022.pdf7303610-20227303610Crystal Springs2022
7303611-2022.pdf7303611-20227303611Port Madison Plat2022
7303612-2022.pdf7303612-20227303612Fort Ward Estates2022
7303621-2022.pdf7303621-20227303621Bainbridge West Wtfrnt2022
7303622-2022.pdf7303622-20227303622Bainbridge Southeast Wtfrnt2022
7303623-2022.pdf7303623-20227303623Bainbridge South Wtfrnt2022
7303624-2022.pdf7303624-20227303624Bainbridge Northeast Wtfrnt2022
7303625-2022.pdf7303625-20227303625Bainbridge Wing Point Wtfrnt2022
7303626-2022.pdf7303626-20227303626Bainbridge Hidden Cove Wtfrnt2022
7303627-2022.pdf7303627-20227303627Bainbridge Eagle Harbor WF2022
1 - 30Next

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Please note: 

7401124 - Mission Lake WF No Sales