Kitsap County Non-Motorized Facilities Plan

Kitsap County expanded upon the North Kitsap String of Pearls Plan, adopted in 2011, to complete a countywide Non-Motorized Facilities Plan. This plan consolidates the work of multiple planning efforts including the Greenways Plan, Bicycle Plan and Parks and Open Space Plan to create a comprehensive direction for non-motorized planning. The document includes a:

  • Summary of previous planning efforts
  • Survey of existing facilities such as bike lanes and public trails
  • Clear classification structure for non-motorized facilities including potential design elements and funding sources.
  • Cost-effective locations for north/south and east/west connections between activity centers and other jurisdictions (cities and adjacent counties)
  • Prioritization process for considering public funding of non-motorized facility projects
  • Strategies for the long-term maintenance of constructed facilities

The plan is available for review at the links to the right. To reduce the download size of the document, most maps and illustrations have hyperlinks within the document to access greater detail.