OWDC - Rapid Response

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Rapid Response is a critical component of the workforce development system in the United States. It is designed to provide timely and targeted support to workers who are facing job loss or layoffs due to plant closures, mass layoffs, or other significant economic disruptions. Here is a detailed summary of what a WIOA Rapid Response is:

Purpose: The primary purpose of WIOA Rapid Response is to help individuals affected by layoffs or plant closures quickly access the workforce services they need to regain employment as soon as possible. This support aims to minimize the negative impacts of job loss, such as prolonged unemployment or skill obsolescence.

Mandate: WIOA Rapid Response is mandated by the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014. This legislation requires states to have a system in place to deliver Rapid Response services to workers and employers affected by layoffs.

Coordination: Rapid Response activities are coordinated at the state and local levels by American Job Centers (formerly known as One-Stop Career Centers), which are part of the public workforce system. The U.S. Department of Labor oversees the program nationally.

Early Intervention: One of the key features of Rapid Response is its emphasis on early intervention. It is designed to reach out to affected workers as soon as possible after a layoff is announced. This allows individuals to receive assistance before they experience prolonged unemployment.

Services: Rapid Response offers a range of services, including:

Orientation: Providing affected workers with information about available services and resources.

Assessment: Identifying workers' skills, needs, and career goals.

Job Search Assistance: Helping workers find new job opportunities.

Training and Education: Providing information about retraining opportunities and financial support for skill development.

Income Support and Benefits: Informing workers about unemployment insurance and other support programs.

Labor Market Information: Offering data on local job markets and in-demand industries.

Customization: Rapid Response services are tailored to the specific needs of the affected workers and the circumstances of the layoff. This may include specialized services for certain industries or groups of workers.

Cooperation with Employers: Rapid Response teams often work closely with employers to ensure a smooth transition for their affected employees. This may include helping employers access resources to minimize layoffs or assisting in the identification of transferable skills for their workers.

Partnerships: Rapid Response teams often collaborate with other organizations, such as community colleges, vocational schools, and social service agencies, to offer a comprehensive set of services and resources.

Accessibility: These services are generally available to all workers affected by layoffs, regardless of their immigration status, and they are free of charge.

Success Metrics: The success of WIOA Rapid Response is measured by how effectively it helps workers transition to new employment and reduce the negative economic and social impacts of layoffs in a given region.

WIOA Rapid Response is a proactive and comprehensive workforce development program designed to assist workers facing job loss due to layoffs or plant closures. It provides timely support to help them quickly reenter the workforce and access the resources they need to navigate challenging transitions.

​Contact Alissa Durkin, Rapid Response Coordinator

adurkin@kitsap.gov | 360-689-4624