In the words of Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus, "Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!" Worm composting recycles food scraps into a valuable fertilizer, known as vermicompost. The process reduces the amount of food waste sent to landfills and provides multiple benefits for your garden. Worm composting is all about learning through exploration.
Adopt a Worm Classroom Composting workshop includes an optional small, indoor worm compost bin to keep in your classroom and an optional compost harvest and seed planting activity. Supported learning standards include K.ESS3-3, K-ESS2-2, 5-ESS3-1, 5-LS2-1, MS-ESS3-3, G2.2.2, G2.3.1, G2.6-8.3, and more. Further information about learning standards available upon request.