Many services can be completed online or by mail. If you have questions how to best proceed, please fill out the
Online Questions form. Kitsap County Licensing is a division of the Kitsap County Auditor. No matter if you are getting a new boat, car, or a spouse we are here to help you make it all official. The benefit of licensing is to manage our county's resources and ensure that fairness and consistency are the standards for our community of over 260,000 residents.
Licensing Agencies
Here are the locations in Kitsap County to register your vehicles and vessels in person.
Vehicle and Boat License
Washington State Department of Licensing handles all vehicle registration as well as renewing tabs, buying and selling vehicles, titles for transfer of ownership, and many more services. Visit the state vehicle/vessel registration page to get that new boat, motorcycle or truck set up.
Marriage Licenses & Domestic Partnership
There is no other relationship like that of marriage. This may be the most important license that you and your partner ever get. In Kitsap County, there were 2,097 marriage licenses issued in 2018. You are in great company with those couples that have gone through this very easy, but also very important process.
Important resources for you:
Pet Licensing
Animals share a special place in our lives. Often times they can be an unconditional friend or closest confidant. It is important to protect them and keep them safe. The best way to do that is to visit the
Kitsap Humane Society which is the pet-licensing agent for all jurisdictions in Kitsap County. They offer easy online or in-person licensing for your favorite four-legged companion.
Business Licensing
Creating your own opportunity in life is exciting and scary. There are moments of joy and moments of sorrow, but in the end, you have control. We commend you for owning your own business and we understand the process of licensing can seem difficult, but it is actually a valuable service to you and your community. That is why we do our best to listen, understand and support you because, without people like you, our community would not be as vibrant and successful.
Important resources for you:
You are a part of an amazing community of 260,131 residents in Kitsap County (the 7th largest in Washington State) and we are very proud to serve and represent you. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay informed of the services we provide to you.