Washington residents throw away more than 250,000 tons of edible food each year. This is food that could feed your family or help with hunger relief. That's why Washington has a
new plan to reduce food waste by 50% by 2030. You can help with this effort and learn how to use food well.
Ways to Use Food Well
Make small changes in the way you shop for, prepare, and store your food. Use these tips to save money and food before it's wasted.
Shop smart
Become a "smart shopper" by preparing ahead of time before going to the grocery store. Look in your cupboards, refrigerator, and freezer to see what you already have at home. Then make a list of what you need to help resist impulse buying at the market. Freeze any extras right away and buy in bulk to cut down on packaging waste.
Store food properly
Storing food properly keeps it fresh. Ask important questions about your food, such as: "What produce needs to be stored in the refrigerator?" and "Should I wrap an item in a damp cloth or a dry cloth?" Families can prevent food waste by keeping proper storage guides handy in the kitchen, like this
food storage guide.
As some fruits ripen, they give off a gas that causes other produce to ripen quickly and go bad. Store fruits like ripe bananas, avocados, apples, and tomatoes away from other produce. Store veggies and fruit in separate fridge drawers.
Want to learn how to can or preserve foods? WSU Extension Kitsap shares research-backed methods to help you safely preserve and can food at home.
Understand date labels on food
Date labels on food are confusing and result in unnecessary food waste. Knowing the
meaning of these terms keeps grocery costs down by keeping food that is still safe to eat on the menu.
Prep now, eat later
Prepare perishable foods soon after shopping to make sure your food is easy to eat later on.
Prep ahead
Wash, chop, peel, cook, or portion ingredients for your weekly meals and snacks when you get home from the store or on a free day. Store prepped food in clear containers and place them near the front of your fridge.
Prepare and cook perishable items, then freeze them for use throughout the month. For example, bake and freeze chicken breasts or fry and freeze taco meat.
Label and date all containers to help you use food before it's spoiled.
Use your freezer
Freeze food such as bread, sliced fruit, or meat that you know you won’t be able to eat in time.
Keep of list of what is in your freezer on the outside of the fridge. Include the date you froze each item. Cross out items as you use them.
Use containers with good seals or thick plastic bags to prevent freezer burns.
Prioritize your meals
Designate an “eat soon” area in your fridge for food at risk of spoiling soon. Make an
Eat First label for the chosen shelf, or use a shoebox or other container to separate food that should be eaten first.